Jesus Farted: The Vulgar Truth of the Biblical Christ
Christianity has sanitised Jesus of Nazareth into a timeless, toothless, and nowadays pointless spiritual entity. This fake Jesus will usher you hurriedly towards a blissful afterlife, before you get chance to encounter the ugliness and the beauty of the real world under your own nostrils. The Jesus of history, farted. He was fully, and utterly and obscenely human, and engaged in human struggles and the human quest for human justice. Jesus Farted takes Jesus’ body seriously, and in so doing offers a biblical, radical, political, cultural reinterpretation of the most influential earthling in the history of the planet.
Interview with Max Maxon
Hearing the Other:
Inclusive Liturgy for Progressive Christianity
A collection of services, readings, psalms, hymns and intercessions. These writings are an attempt to translate biblical patterns of worship not only into contemporary English, but into contemporary culture.
Atheism After Christendom
As the Christian god shuffles his way through retirement, atheism becomes an increasingly safe pastime. Now that we live in a post-Christendom era, New Atheists boldly oppose the god of a bygone age, whilst dutifully and unwittingly serving the new gods of our own age. These new gods include the insurmountable, dehumanizing and oppressive political, economic and social forces that acquire power at the expense of the powerless. Any true atheist would learn how to rebel.
Atheism After Christendom - Extracts